Creating a PLC at my school

Providing Professional Development has always been a passion of mine. I guess I just like teaching all ages! Since I have learned so much about the benefits of incorporating Web 2.0 tools into the classroom, I thought it was time to let others in on what I know. I have created a PLC Plan that will start with the consistent users of technology in my building. I figure if I get a few on board they will talk with others and the excitement will grow like wild fire! Right??? Anyway, as you might have inferred my building is not using many, if any, Web 2.0 tool and if you are reading this I feel like you already know the benefits. So I decided to start small and meet my colleagues where there are comfortable. I believe VoiceThread is a powerful collaboration tool that is easy to use and can be used with other application that everyone knows well, like PowerPoint. Take a look at my PLC Plan and wish me luck!

PLC Plan

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